Model Apparel Blog

The Good & Bad With Tech In Facilities Management Jobs

Written by Dave LaCarte | Aug 4, 2023 8:14:59 PM


Technology has become an integral part of facilities management jobs in recent years. From tracking systems to energy efficiency tools, it's hard to imagine a modern facilities manager doing their job without technology.

But like any tool, tech can be a double-edged sword. While it brings great advantages, it can also introduce problems if not used properly.


In this article we'll explore the various types of technology used in facilities management jobs. We'll discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with its use. We'll also provide tips on how to get the most out of tech in these roles. So let's dive in!

Types of tech used in facilities management


As technology advances, we'll continue to find ways to use it. Recent advances in artificial intelligence show our interest and reliance on the latest technological advancements.


Technology has a role in facilities management jobs as well. Facilities management jobs aren't just sweeping floors and cleaning windows. Quick examples of tech in facilities management jobs could include:

  • Automating control systems
  • CCTV surveillance systems
  • Building automation systems
  • Asset tracking systems


Software solutions such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are also prevalent. Such systems are being used more widely by facilities managers to keep track of resources, manage assets, and improve efficiency.


Mobile applications have been growing in popularity for managing facilities as well. Mobile apps provide a convenient way to track building performance and track issues remotely.


Cloud technologies have also become increasingly important in facilities management jobs. Cloud tech securely stores data related to buildings and their operations. This enables remote access from multiple devices - something that was not possible before the advent of cloud-based storage solutions.


Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are also becoming more commonplace in facilities management jobs. AI can help automate processes such as door unlocking or monitoring activity within a building.


Now that we've looked at various technology use cases in facilities management jobs, let's look at their benefits in detail.

Advantages of technology in facilities management jobs


Using technology in facilities management jobs can bring many advantages to those working in the industry. As mentioned, there is still a lot of work humans can do. But it's hard to argue how humans can benefit from the technology available to them.


Automation is an obvious sign of the good tech can bring to facilities management jobs. Automation of some processes can help increase efficiency and reduce costs associated with manual processes. These benefits happen while digital solutions can provide easier access to data and records. It's important to use automation is the right place. Opportunities to reduce human errors regarding data come to mind.


Better communication between departments and teams is another benefit of using technology in facilities management jobs. Digital solutions like cloud-based software enable real-time collaboration between teams, helping to make sure that tasks are completed on time and reported accurately.


Additionally, technologies such as AI and machine learning can help to track and analyze data collected from buildings or assets. We can then use this data to inform decisions about building performance, asset maintenance, or even personnel needs. Having access to this kind of information helps facility managers make better decisions faster, making sure that businesses remain competitive in their respective markets.


Finally, technology also provides an opportunity for increased safety and security on site. Access control systems, CCTV surveillance systems, and other automated solutions can help protect people as well as physical assets within a facility. Security is something which is increasingly important regarding protecting staff members from potential threats or accidents.


Potential problems with using technology in facilities management


It's one thing to highlight the benefits of tech in facilities management jobs.


But surely there are problems...right?


The most talked about problem with technology in ANY job is its likelihood of replacing the human doing the job. This realization continues to accelerate with the rise and adoption of AI.


We're not close to human-level intelligence in robots, but they are continuing to be used in numerous job functions across industries. Without taking this article down a different path, we suggest continuing to be a valuable employee by learning everything you can. You'll likely increase your chances of survival if you're willing to grow with your business and industry.


Besides losing your job completely, there are other negative effects tech can have on facilities management jobs.


Among the most frequent issues are reliability, maintenance costs, training hardships, and vulnerability to hackers.


Reliability is paramount in any technological system. Yet glitches can occur due to power outages or other malfunctions which could lead to costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, purchasing and keeping up with the latest tech advancements can be expensive for businesses.


Furthermore, individuals must adequately train on how to use devices and systems correctly; this often requires extra resources as well as time.


Lastly, you shouldn't overlook cyber security as an important aspect of technology usage in facilities management. Bad actors cause massive financial damage and negative press for organizations that don't secure electronically stored data properly.


In order to avoid such risks, it is essential that organizations take the necessary precautions. Regular security updates, encryption of digital information hosted on servers and limitations of user access rights are options. With these strategies in place facility managers can make sure that their use of technology will bring about positive results rather than cause harm.


So, how do you prepare to use technology in facilities management jobs?

Training and preparation for tech use in facilities management


Technology is only becoming more integrated into the workplace. It is important for facilities managers to make sure their staff is up-to-date with the software and tech they use.


One way to prepare is by creating training materials and programs for proper use. Facilities managers should create comprehensive training materials that explain everything, from basic concepts to advanced features. Training should also include tips on troubleshooting common issues as well as advice on best practices when using certain tools or platforms.


Staying on top of the latest industry changes is vital. Facility managers should consider providing regular refresher courses or webinars to help employees stay up-to-date with any new developments or updates in technology. Technology will only continue to develop and improve, so you're responsible for continued learning for your organization.


As we've said, technology is only continuing to advance. If you're developing a mindset of continuous learning, you'll be ready when technology disrupts your industry. You can be the leader your organization needs to help take your business to the next level.